Counting Down the Days

Year 2009 Career Horoscope by Yahoo

This year, use your inventive mind and strong intuitive powers to help make some necessary changes in your career. It's time to create harmony with things that haven't quite reached your expectations, letting go of what you think are mistakes, and realizing that these are all stepping stones toward success. As you align yourself to your inner knowing and sharp business sense, your efforts will pay great rewards.

Prosperity is yours as you awaken to what is already inside of you. When you direct your emotions in a positive way, your fears will be released, allowing you to manifest what you want. The more you tap into universal knowledge, the more you are able to connect to your inherent power in a way you never dreamed possible. This is a time of great energy building, preparing you for the success coming in both your public and professional life. In your highest manifestation, your energy is invested in satisfying collective needs for the betterment of society.

My first day of cosmetology school is September 14th, and I am thrilled. Not because I am leaving a full time, steady pay with benefits job, but that I am getting closer to my dreams of being a business owner and a hairstylist. I love change, I actually embrace change pretty well (only if it's me making the change lol). After my son and a few incidents at my job, I had to really look at my career, and figure out what I wanted to do next. At my current employer there was no where for ME to move up to. (this is my outlook, it is not the same case for others at my job) My company is not bad, I just need change, doing something that believe in and have a passion for.

Most people think that I am crazy, and don't understand the risk I am taking. Some don't understand why I am going to cosmo school and I have a college degree. I tell people that I have made plans for this transition, prayed, and I am comfortable with it. I am stepping out on Faith, which makes me feel good. This is a good test of who I am and the obstacles that I can deal with. It has taken me over a year to get to this point, so all of my planning is now coming into action. For awhile I had to really evaluate my decision for making this move. Was I moving because things were not going right at my job, or because I was tired of my current situation? Was I running from my problems, or was this something that I really felt a passion for doing? I came to the decision that, I want to #1 be a hairstylist; #2 own my own business; #3 provide a comfortable life for my son, as well as be a active mom in his projects and activities. I am a creative person, I was not made to sit behind a desk all day and shuffle or push papers, constantly re-creating the same reports, etc. I am not cut out for office duties, I like to be on my feet, talking and laughing with people about life.

So I will put my notice in on August 19th, and hope for the best. I plan to continue working as a contract event planner, doing hair, and part-time bar tending gigs while I am in school. My social life will no longer be in existence, because I will be "college broke". I remember what that was like, but this time I will do it with a child. SCARY! I thought that I would be nervous but I am not. I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing. I am leaving a comfort zone to the unknown, and I am okay about it.


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